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Survival Game

Ark Survival Evolved Review: Dinosaurs and Bugs

This will be the weirdest review I’ve ever done. If you know about me, you know that survival games are some of my favorites. I have around a thousand or more hours in Ark. It is one of the buggiest, poorly optimized and unbalanced messes I’ve ever played. It is frustrating, time-consuming and rage inducing and many of its design decisions still baffle me today. Yet, it has also provided me with an amount of enjoyment and fun that no other game has ever matched.

Volcanoids Steam Punk Spelunking

Volcanoids is an interesting concept, at a glance, it looks like a survival game, yet you won’t find any hunger or thirst bars here. If you die, you reload a save. Instead, it’s very much a progressive crafting game with a wonderful steampunk flavor, something I’d like to see more of in games.

Aground Early Access Analysis: Aiming For The Stars

Aground is a game that exceeded my expectations. The sheer amount of content vastly betrays its simplistic retro visuals. In fact, there is a whole lot about the game I don’t wish to spoil in this review as it would ruin some of the surprise. In any case, Aground also has a very generous Demo right on the developer’s website, or you can try the demo on Steam. (I’m not kidding, it has around 8 hours of content and you can transfer your saves.) I would advise every reader to check it out for themselves.

Early Access Look: Meeple Station

Meeple Station shares some similarities with RimWorld, which got my attention straight away. But Meeple Station is not a clone by any stretch of the imagination. You manage a station of Meeples, attempting to rein in as much profit as possible while keeping the crew happy and alive. Neither of which is easy to do.